$200.00 USD

Teaching Transitions Showcase

This is an online training opportunity 

What you'll get:

  • Shorter online meetings over an extended period of time
  • Starting Saturday, September 7th, 2024 at 1Pm Central Time
  • Live meetings will last for 3 hours and will be recorded for viewing flexibility.
  • Meetings are scheduled for Saturday (7th), Sunday (8th) Tuesday (10th) and Thursday (12th). 
  • There will be "Continued Learning Meetings" held at the conclusion of the Showcase. Those live meetings will be announced after the Showcase.
  • Expect the Showcase dates as posted plus online course content plus continued learning content.

*** This is an online training opportunity only, if you are wanting the Weekend Training Workshop be sure to check the camp listings for a camp location that is right for you. We love the Weekend camps but we also understand the logistical challenges.